Multinational Business Management 
704 21610 
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本課程專注於探討國際化經營環境之營利企業與非營利組織,之主要管理議題: 當然這包括跨國界經營企業之國際化進程模式(stage model), 在IR(integration, responsiveness)方格中的定位, 擁有相對於專注在單一市場之OLI(ownership, location, internalization)競爭優勢. 以及選用的EPRG(ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, geocentric)國際經營模式… 等. 課程的結構包括相關核心理論.最佳實務.前瞻思維.以及政策規劃. 我們將聚焦在當前艱困的全球經營環境中,如何理解與發展.執行能強化績效.提升創新.快速回應.與彈性應變的國際化經營所需之管理視野與知識.

在課程中, 我們將分組討論(1)中國 華為, (2)美國 愛彼迎(Airbnb), (3)泰國 盤谷銀行, (4)丹麥 維斯塔斯風力系統, (5)中國 螞蟻金服 及 印度 Paytm 等金融科技創業, (6)日本 任天堂, (7)台灣 鴻海集團, (8)日本 動漫及漫畫產業, (9)中國 美團點評 等國際企業管理指標性意義之最新(2019-迄今)案例,全數由邱教授以其長達27年的教學.研究.顧問.法人投資之相關經驗來編寫.

In-person experiential learning -- i.e., either on an individual or group basis -- lays the groundwork for my teaching on campuses around major universities in Asia for the past 27 years. For teaching effectiveness for the 2nd-year undergraduate core course at the Department of International Business, Prof. Chiu emphasizes the importance of in-class participation at the either individual or group level, pre-class preparations for the textual chapter(s) and course readings, and on-time attendance for the class.

To update and enhance my pedagogical approach in line with the global benchmark of the top universities overseas, I have implemented a four-year long “Global Teaching & Research Effectiveness 2.0” project since 2015 on behalf of a Hong Kong-based not-for-profit foundation with an endowment of US$ 140 million up to date. The leading universities that I have visited and benchmarked their teaching protocols include Harvard U., MIT, U Penn Wharton School, Stanford, UC-Berkeley, U Chicago, Oxford U., Cambridge U., Australia National U., U Sydney, Melbourne U., Humboldt U, Berlin Technical U., U Paris, Ecole Polytechique, Waseda U., Keio U., Tokyo U., U Hong Kong, Beijing U, Beijing Tsinghua, among others.

This course focuses on the challenges and opportunities associated with organizational management and business strategy in the global environment. The International Business Management (IBM) course is intended to be a challenging management course for equipping you for a future global talent and well-regarded professional. There are three objectives guiding the instructor’s pedagogical approach and in-class interactions:

First, you can expect to gain a general overview of the process and effect of sequential internationalization – or accelerated globalization of an entrepreneurial firm – in each class, with an introduction to theories, concepts and skills relevant to managing effectively. Second, this course provides you with great opportunities for integrating knowledge and practices across cultural, institutional, and industry contexts. A “surely working case study method will help your apply what you learned and are learning to solve the problems raised by the cases. Finally, this course will serve a bridge connecting your basic understandings of economics, accounting, international business environments with advanced learning in functional areas of finance, marketing, human resources, and so on, from the cross-cultural, institutional force-driven, and industry dynamics-oriented integrative perspective. 
These are three parts of the final grading:

(1) Group Case-Study Written Report + Oral presentation 40%
(2) Individual/Group In-Class Participation 20%
(3) Final Exam 40%
Office Hours
另約時間 備註: By appointment for mutually agreed time slots 
(Textbook -- Everyone needs to have one copy)

Luthans, F, Doh, J.P. (2018) International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior (10th ed.), McGraw-Hill Irwin. 
(see weekly class schedule) 
Group Case-Study Written Report + Oral presentation 
We will discuss nine (9) cases in international business strategy. Each study group consisting of max 5 members needs to pick one case to analyze and then to write a case study report. The length of the report should be 2500 words or so (excluding exhibits). You are also expected to make ONE in-class oral presentation that addresses the discussion questions given in the syllabus, based on the case chosen. If there are more than two groups choose the same case, the instructor or TA will make the coordination. The grading criteria for your group written report and presentation power point file are shown in the following exhibit. 
Individual/Group In-Class Participation 
The grading for your participation for class discussions will be recognized as the “sticker-awarding” system. The total number of stickers collected in every class will be counted toward your contributions to class discussions. To get a highest grade (A+) on this part, you are expected to get at least 10 stickers. The number of stickers your receive will serve the basis for your participation grade. 
Final Exam 
You can expect 4 short-essay questions in the in-class final exam. The exam questions will cover all textual materials taught and discussed in class. The exam date is scheduled to take place on June 16, 2020 (i.e., W16). 
2020/3/3  (1) Course Introduction & Class Administration Matters

(2) Overview of the IBM Cases.

(3) Introduction to International Business Management, from the perspectives of Taiwan and other emerging economies.

在課程中, 我們將分組討論(1)中國 華為, (2)美國 愛彼迎(Airbnb), (3)泰國 盤谷銀行, (4)丹麥 維斯塔斯風力系統, (5)中國 螞蟻金服 及 印度 Paytm 等金融科技創業, (6)日本 任天堂, (7)瑞典 Spotify, (8)日本 動漫及漫畫產業, (9)中國 美團點評 等國際企業管理指標性意義之最新(2019-迄今)案例,全數由邱教授以其長達27年的教學.研究.顧問.法人投資之相關經驗來編寫. 
2020/3/10  (1) Globalization and International Linkages

(2) The “Surely-Working” Case Study Method & Alternatives

(3) Special Topic: China-based digital giants go global.

Learning from Cases:

In-class group discussions on “The emergence of
e-sports ecosystem for better value integration” 
2020/3/17  (1) The Political, Legal, and Tech Environment

(2) Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability

Deadline for Forming the case study group and LINE group. 
2020/3/24  (1) Culture and Managing Across Cultures

(2) 新冠肺炎疫情: 對全球企業之影響. 以及企業高層回應的管理思維 
2020/3/31  Organizational Cultures and Diversity

Euro Disneyland/ Disney in Asia (In-Depth Case 2.1a&b in the textbook)

Introductory Case Analysis on Post-Scandal Volkswagen 
2020/4/7  Cross-Cultural Communications and Negotiation

Case 1: Huawei (中國華為)
Discussion Questions:
1. Why did US government ban Huawei from American telecom market – for both equipments and hand-held devices? What’s impact on Huawei’s global expansion and partnership strategy with foreign telecom services operators?

2. In negotiating cross-cultural business deals, what institutional constraints did Huawei face? To what extent, may Huawei's organizational communication efforts help leverage its R&D strengths to lead the of race in the 5G telecom competition worldwide?

3. Under current political pressure imposed by US-led inter-government coordinated anti-China move, what could Huawei respond to achieve a sustainable growth? Are Huawei's financial results of Q3 2019 sustainable amid US-China trade/technology war? 
2020/4/14  (1)主題討論: 金融科技對全球商業環境與管理的影響

(2) 本週我們將就學期迄今所學國企管內容進行整理與複習.此外, 就個案討論中,問題導向分析方法. 發表及溝通. 與撰寫報告, 教師將分享與評論HBS(哈佛商業院)最新的教學實務. 
2020/4/21  (1) Strategy Formulation and Implementation

(2) Types of Competitiveness in the Global Landscape

Case 2: Airbnb (美國愛彼迎)
Discussion Questions:
1. Why has Airbnb launched Airbnb-for-Work to attract business travelers? To what extent, this internal venture may differentiate itself from up-scale hotels and online travel agencies (OTAs)?

2. Comment on the business model of Airbnb, in terms of sustainability of the company’s revenue streams and business valuation. Will Morgan Stanley-raised strategic issues faced by Airbnb in 2017 affect your assessments?

3. What challenges of global expansion faced by Airbnb, particularly in Japan? What are Airbnb’s strategic responses, in terms of community-building efforts and Japan-Only partnership strategy?
2020/4/28  (1) Entry Strategies & Organizational Structures

(2) Competitive and Collaborative Dynamics in Emerging Economies

Case 3: Bangkok Bank (泰國盤谷銀行)
Discussion Questions:
(1) How important is RCEP to ASEAN nations in general, and Thailand in specific? From the standpoint of Bangkok Bank, what's rationale behind its expansion into Indonesian's banking market through the acquisition of Permata Bank?

(2) What characterizes the current fintech landscape in Thailand, in terms of business opportunities and competitive threats to Thai banks? Comment on how Thai banks can profit from its geographic location in the ASEAN for attracting global talents and capital for fintech ventures.

(3) In face of fintech revolution, why are banks in emerging economies more vulnerable than their peers in developed countries? In response, what efforts made by Bangkok Bank to ensure its opportunity for building investment/collaborative relationship with fintech startups? 
2020/5/5  Managing Political Risk, Government Relations, and Alliances

Case 4: Vestas (丹麥維斯塔斯風力系統)
Discussion Questions:
(1) Describe the economic impact of global warming, in terms of restructuring national energy mix. What advantages does wind power -- either onshore or offshore -- enjoy, compared to other renewable energy sources?

(2) To which extent, Vestas's competitive strategy for emerging markets -- for instance, Brazil -- has been conditioned by governmental regulations and subject to political/financing risks?

(3) In the global wind energy market, what partners in its value-chain are desirable for Vestas to engage for sustainable growth worldwide? In addition, what strategy has Vestas taken to become the largest wind energy turbine supplier? 
2020/5/12  Management Decisions and Control

Case 5:Ant Financial & Paytm (中國螞蟻金服 及 印度Paytm)
Discussion Questions:
(1)To what extent, fintech has been unbundling banking’s product offerings? As Big Techs also take part in the financial services through offering cryptocurrency (e.g., Facebook's Libra) and entering offshore markets (e.g., Google Pay in India), what could Ant Financial and Paytm respond to?

(2) Comment on the pros and cons of blockchain technology for the unbundled banking. Then, assess the opportunities and challenges in the fintech markets in China and India.

(3) In comparisons of Ant Financial and Paytm, what are the characteristics of their business models on the one hand, and what are institutional factors affecting their growth strategies on the other? 
2020/5/19  Motivation Across Cultures

IKEA’s Global Renovation (Brief Case 4.1 in the textbook)

Case 6: Nintendo (日本任天堂)
Discussion Questions:
1. Why did Nintendo Switch become a milestone in its video-game hardware/software developments? What roles have Nintendo's leadership and culture played in motivating its employees for developing consoles and content?

(2) In terms of the competition between Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft in the video-gaming business, what's unqiue in Nintendo's market positioning? In addition, what are different in Japanese and American customers' preferences for Nintendo's game-content? Stake out your claims.

(3) How do you assess the prospect of cross-cultural partnership between Nintendo and China-based Tencent? Do you agree on the claim that this partnership is simply the exchange of Nintendo's intellectual property for entering China's video-game market? Explain the reasons why and why not. 
2020/5/26  Leadership Across Cultures

HSBC in China (In-Depth Case 4.1)

Case 7: Spotify (瑞典 音樂串流平台)
Discussion Questions:
(1) In face of de-globalization triggered by Covid-19 spread in early 2020, could Spotify sustain its leadership in music streaming services across the culture? Why and why NOT.

(2)What's your assessment about the impact of music streaming services providers based on emerging markets -- e.g., China-based Tecent and TikTok -- on Spotify's global market share? In comparison, could regional players intensify local competition against Spotify in the U.S. and U.K. markets?

(3) Comment on the role of K-Pop (Korean Pop music) in implementing Spotify's global strategy across the culture. What could Spotify learn from the evolution of music-streaming services to better build partnership with K-Pop teams for mutual benefits? 
2020/6/2  Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures

Case 8: Japanese Anime & Manga (日本動漫及漫畫產業)
Discussion Questions:
(1) Talent recruitment and development is central to the success of Japanese anime industry. What cross-cultural experience that Japanese anime masters learned? Then, why do they worry about the talent shortage constraining Japanese animation future?

(2) As Japanese anime and manga are expanding to overseas markets, what Japan's national advantage can be leveraged? In particular, which factors can accountable for manga success in the U.S.?

(3) In the globalization process of Japanese anime, what is the role of streaming platforms? In addition, what may concern anime studios as they expand into China? 
2020/6/9  (1) Case Study Wrap-up

(2) Final-Exam Questions Review

Case 9: Meituan Dianping (中國美團點評)
Discussion Questions:
(1) Describe the uniqueness of Meituan Dianping's (MTDP) business model as a lifestyle service platform. What globalization efforts has MTDP made?

(2) In your assessment, to which extant MTDP's success could be attributed to its "Super App"? In the platform competition in food delivery and bike-sharing, what are competitive advantages/disadvantages both at home and abroad?

(3) Since Q2 2019, MTDP has turned profitable. Explain the reasons why. Also, comment on the global trend for adopting "Super Apps" for achieving O2O (online to offline) integration. 
2020/6/16  In-Class Final Exam 
2020/6/23  Final Exam Results

Course Wrap-up 
2020/6/30  End-of-Semester IBM Learning & Career Consulting